George Kinkead

Improving Mathematics education through innovative research, public policy and teaching.


About me

I am a PhD candidate on the Applied Public Policy course at Kings College London. After completing my undergraduate degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Manchester (2009-2012), I trained as a mathematics teacher on the Teach First program. Before joining KCL, I worked as Head of Department and Deputy Head of Sixth Form in schools in London and the Southwest, completing an MSc in Education and Leadership from the University of Bristol (2015-16) and an MRes in Sustainable futures from the University of Bath (2020-22). I love teaching and believe educators have three core purposes: to develop a love of learning in students; to equip students with an understanding of how they learn and to impart subject specific knowledge and skills. This website is the primary place to find my research interests and insights, driven by uncovering what works in education through applying behavioural science to improve wider educational systems.

I also provide tutoring services for students in the Bristol area, looking to progress in their mathematics, regardless of their level and previous experience.

PhD research

  • Applications of Behavioural science to raise outcomes for GCSE mathematics resit students
  • Mathematics education and public policy
  • Applying Social identity theory to foster belonging in students
  • The use of RCTs in mathematics education

Other research interest

  • Motivational systems in learning
  • Education for sustainable development
  • Peer to peer influences in education
  • Sustainable practices in school

Applications in Education

check out my blog to see how I try and translate academic research for those working in schools or in Public policy 


I believe educators have three core purposes: to develop a student's love of learning; to help them understand how they learn and to impart subject specific knowledge and skills.

I have a wealth of experience teaching in secondary schools and colleges in Bristol and London. I am offering 1:2:1 tutoring to help students to progress in their maths at school or college.​


Here is where you will find my latest insights in academic educational research

Master's of research dissertation

Kinkead G. 2022 Enacting participatory research through a school Eco-Council: How students can lead and influence each other toward sustainable action in secondary schools. (MRes) UK: University of Bath.

Academic profile
contact to find out more


Supporting progress in mathematics: for school, exams, and the world beyond.


Insights from behind the frontline 

week #1:

Help less: Why systems in school stifle our students  

week #2

Help less part 2: How parenting culture inhibits independence and task mastery

Sustainability Education

Supporting educational movements and pedagogy working towards a sustainable future

Maybe three or so years ago, I became disillusioned with the narrow mainstream education offered to students in most institutions. More specifically, I felt a disconnect between how students were being prepared to engage with skills and knowledge without an explicit awareness of how those skills could help solve the grand challenges facing humanity, or that there even were grand challenges needing to be tackled.


This disillusionment led me to take a second, interdisciplinary Master’s of research (MRES) in sustainable futures at the University of Bath, researching human behaviour surrounding sustainability and climate change and the implementation of sustainable and environmental education practices in school. 

I focussed my research in-school, investigating qualitative experiences of learning about sustainability practices. This included a novel approach to setting up a school eco-club,  empowering students to become active researchers with research training so they could document their experiences through journals and log books.

The students engaged the woodland trust and planted trees on site, ordered recycling bags for classrooms and acquired water fountains to reduce single use plastic bottles being bought.

These small scale interventions can have a big impact around schools. please contact if you want to connect and network on projects to further progress in sustainability education

Bristol, United Kingdom

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